Monday, September 14, 2015

Back to Libraries

I just got a phone call asking if I would put together an hour long presentation and demonstration using my Cube 3D printer. I will visit four separate local libraries and put on these presentations. As many of you know, I have this 3D printer for just this reason (free outreach programs). However, I do not like a straight up presentation. I am going to make these visits as fun interactive as possible. I totally believe in the power of learning through hands-on experiences and it can be challenging with only one computer, one piece of software, and one 3D printer but you better bet I will work my creative magic with this task.  More info to come on how this all gets planned out. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

High School STEM Curriculum Development

Call me crazy but now I am volunteering at a small local high school. I am working with three teachers from art, math, and science to help develop STEM curriculum. For art we will first be creating an architecture unit to meld together fine arts, technology, and engineering.  For science, I am helping develop several units for an integrated STEM course. For math, I am developing an entire robotics program from scratch. Oh the fun I get myself into for the shear enjoyment of bettering students. Updates to come.